Office: Room No- 314, Dept. of CSE, NITK, Surathkal.


Email: souravkaddya[AT]nitk[DOT]edu[DOT]in

Research Interest: Cloud System, IoT, Blockchain, Serverless

2024 ICDDS | 2025 COMSNETS | Ad Hoc Network, Elsevier: Special Issue   

Guest Editor: Ad Hoc Network, Elsevier: Special Issue (IF-4.8).  |  Our work "EFraS" has been accepted in Journal of Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, Elsevier (IF-4.2).  |  Our work "LEASE" @ 2024 PerCom (Core: A*) is now on IEEE Xplore.  |  Our work "ESMA" has been accepted in Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Elsevier (IF-3.8).  |  Our work "LEAWM" has been accepted in IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (IF-11.019).  |  Our work "NORD" has been published in Computer Network, Elsevier.  |  Our work "LCS" has been published in proc. of 2023 24th ICDCN.  |  Our work "DeSAT" has been published in proc. of 2022 5th IEEE Blockchain  |  Organizing "SMARTSTATE 2022 @ SMARTCOMP 2022"  |  Our work "CoMCLOUD" has been accpeted in IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing  |  Organizing "STEERS 2022 @ IEEE/ACM CCGrid 2022"  |  Organizing "2nd FogNetwork 2021 @ IEEE ANTS 2021"  |  Best Paper Award (Poster Track) @ "13th COMSNETS 2021"  |  Book edited: "Cloud Network Management: An IOT based Framework".    


I am an Assistant Professor in Department of Computer Science and Engg. at NIT Karnataka, Surathkal, India. Prior to this I was a Post Doctorate Fellow in Dept of CSE, IIT Kharagpur. I have completed my PhD from NIT Rourkela in February 2018. My PhD thesis title was "Virtual Machine Placement and Pricing on Cloud Data Centers".
My primary focus for research is on multi-cloud architecture development and and inter related areas.

For Prospective Students

If you are a candidate for PhD and M.Tech (Research) then you can write to me with detail proposal. Department advertise time to time while funds are availavle.
You can write to me if you are interested for Internship.